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Here are your first steps to setup account and start capture cases to your Dynamics CRM.

  1. Click on Org Params tab. Here you setup connection to your CRM. This will be used to create cases in CRM. You should have account with permissions manage cases in your CRM. We suggest to use account with Customer Service Representative role.
  •         Provide system with your Dynamics CRM Organization Discovery Service. This could be found in your CRM. Open your Dynamics CRM Settings and click on Customization.Click Developer Resources and copy text from Discovery Service Endpoint Address. Usually it is https://disco.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc.

Past this text to Organization Discovery Service.

  • In CRM User enter user account with permissions to manage cases in your CRM. For online Dynamics 365 versions of CRM user will be in format username@ADdomain.com. Type this user password in field CRM User Password.
  • If you using On Premise version you probably will need specify name of your local Active Directory.
  • CRM Organization Name parameter could be find on the same Developer Resources page under Instance Reference Information Unique Name. Usually it is similar to part of your CRM URL https://OrgName.crm.dynamics.com.
  • You can specify your custom Thank You page. This page is opens in your customer browser after he submit new case. We will pass newly case number as http GET parameter casenum=CAS-01234-ABCDEF. This filed is not required. If you leave this empty, we will use our default Thank You page. You can see example of URL and page here: https://web2case.com/ThankYou.aspx?company=pansw&casenum=CAS-01147-B3T0Q8.

2. Click on Form Params tab. Here you will specify fields that you want to pass to CRM. On your web form values of this fields will provided by your customer or could be hidden fields with values specified by you on your web page.

Please, pay attention on type of fields you are selecting:

String - could be any text.

Integer - integer value.

Picklist - should be exact one of existing field values.

Boolean - Yes or No text.

Memo - any text.

We are recommending always use responciblecontactid field. Cases in CRM should have Responsible Contact. Newly created case will be identified by Responsible Contact. You should ask your customer for email and pass it as value of responciblecontactid. We will look for Contact with this email and associate with new case. If Contact with this email address doesn't exist in your system we will create a new one.

Save your selection.

3. Click on Test Form tab. Here you confirm that parameters you entered on Org Params and Form Params are correct. As well you can check here the values you expect your customers will pass. 

If the form succesffully submitted we will generate basic html code for your web site. You can style this code accordingly your web site. 

We just expect for POST request with parameters you specified and one hidden parameter orgid specifies your account. URL to POST your form is https://web2case.com/SubmitCaseToCRM.aspx.